Today's recipe is not for the faint-hearted. It contains Brussel Sprouts. They are ameliorated with bacon, stock and cream, but since I like them simply steamed with salt, pepper and butter, this is just fruit for the sideboard.
This recipe is in the Winter Family Circle, but I think sprouts are Autumnal. If you buy your Brussel Sprouts at the greengrocer they may be much larger than the magazine assumes and so they take two and a half times longer to cook. If you buy ordinary teeny tiny ones from the supermarket you will be OK.
- 4 rashers of bacon, chopped (rind removed)
- 1 kg Brussel Sprouts, trimmed and halved*
- 3/4 cup chicken stock
- 1/2 cup thickened cream
- salt and pepper
Fry the bacon in a non-stick pan over a medium/high heat for 3 or 4 minutes until browned, then remove to a plate with kitchen towel to drain. Leave the bacon fat in the pan.
*When you halve the Brussel Sprouts, cut a cross into the base, or even nick out the stem a little, it helps to cook them quickly.
Add the sprouts to the hot pan and cook for 4 minutes, turning two or three times. I start with them all facing one way and then it is easier to make sure you flip them all.
Add the stock and simmer for 5-8 minutes, turning the sprouts a few more times, until they are tender. This is where I found I needed to use more stock and increase the cooking time.
They should be ready when the stock has almost evaporated.At the last moment add the cream, bacon and salt and lots of pepper.
I think it could also have some grated Parmesan cheese on top.